I was contacted by Bill the evening of 06 May 2017. He phoned the number up there in the header, left a voice message and luckily I was around to receive it and call him right back.
It turns out that the "
Bill's '98 STS" page on the Carroll Custom Cadillac website is referring to Bill's caddy. Bill told me that he can't believe that Carroll is still using his car to promote his business.
What's interesting about hearing from Bill is that he knew Tim and Carolyn Carroll when they lived in Ridgefield, Washington. So we're going back a few years. This is important to me as it helps to further establish Carroll's long time pattern of fraud and misbehavior.
After I introduced myself he said the magic phrase that probably 9 out of 10 Victims say upon initial contact: "Oh yeah, I was just reading
in there and I was amazed to see that I'm not the only one that [Tim Carroll] has screwed."
Bill continued, "four or five years ago [Carroll] he uh rebuilt my Northstar and I had custom headers built, and he had that, [Carroll] still has that on his video, you know what he did to my car and I'm going 'I can't believe it!'
"And he claimed to be a Christian [editor's note: this is usually the next thing that victims I've talked to say] and he's always judging people, I would have thought that he would have got his by now but I looked online and it looks like he's doing OK."
"Yeah he messed with me, I'm a 100 % disabled Vietnam Vet and he took my money, that was Vietnam Vet money and I'm restoring that car for my PTSD for a hobby and he took me to the bank. I'm having the people who's going to put a new engine in it, I'm going to get a brand new engine that I can trust, and I'm going to ask the people that do it to check everything else that he did because I don't believe...you know. I mean he rebuilt my engine and it started missing, he didn't know anything about it. And it started smoking and I took it to a mechanic and [Carroll] still had the original spark plug wires, left them on a "rebuilt" engine, can you believe that?"
"And I finally got him to admit, 'you must have had some bad rings'? And [Carroll] said, 'yeah.' and I said [expletive]. And Carroll said, 'you send the car, ship it here and I'll fix it.'
[editor's note: by this time Carroll had moved to Texas] And I said, 'that's going to cost me a thousand dollars to ship it there and a thousand back, what are you crazy?' [editor's note Yep!]
"And then [Carroll's] "warranty" isn't any good. I said, 'no we're done, son, we're done.'
Bottom line is that Carroll rebuilt Bill's Northstar with bad rings and other problems then moved to Texas and he's out $5,000.00.
Bill said, "I went up to his ranch out there (in Ridgefield, Washington) and got to know Carroll and his wife a little bit and the guy really had me, I thought he was legit. [Carroll told me that he was an engineer and he quit Cadillac because of the headgasket (issue). Then [Carroll] got into these head bolts and he was the distributor in that and [Carroll] got way over his head in that."
Bill said, [Carroll's] gonna mess...you know, thing's are getting to the point where people, are, getting weird. People don't have the money to get ripped off and [Carroll] is gonna mess with somebody - I heard from somebody [Carroll] has his brother's and Mexican friend's with a little gang, you mess with [Carroll] and they'll get ya."
"[Carroll] know's who I am," Bill continued, "you know and he cut me off. I had his phone number, and I couldn't get in touch with [Carroll] and after I told [Carroll], I said, 'we got to talk about this and you've got to send me an engine' and [Carroll] just cut me off."
"I told [Carroll] Bill said, 'I'm a Vietnam Vet and you just messed with some of my money."
"[Carroll] is just so arrogant, he thinks nobody can touch him, I guess" Bill observed.
"I know when he was doing mine, he took so damned long and I'd keep emailing him, 'is it ready yet?' and [Carroll] would say, 'whoa hold it there boy, you're not the only one I'm working on' and I said, 'you never told me that.' And [Carroll] just caused me a lot of anxiety"
One funny story that Bill shared with me that has to do with Carroll's apparent obsession with homosexuals is that when he took his Cadillac out to Carroll's [Ridgefield, Washington] ranch, he had the
Vietnam Campaign Veteran decal on the back of his Caddy (along with a Vietnam Vet license plate) and [Carroll] thought that was the gay sticker. "[Carroll] thought that was gay colors -- that's how stupid [Carroll] is. And right away, I said, what the hell you talking about? I'm a Vietnam Vet and that's a campaign, and [Carroll' said, 'oh, well I don't like those gay fuckers.' And I said you know, I see you talking about it and you're always judging, I said, you know, you shouldn't do that, you're in business!"
Bill said, "I used to hear [Carroll] get so depressed or whatever, (in hindsight) must have been so many people on him, and depressed about the way the world is treating him, [Carroll would say] 'I just want to take my wife and myself and my Bible and just go out in the desert and wait for Jesus to come.' Bill indicated that this left him incredulous.
Editor's note: In my opinion what Carroll really means when he makes statements like that is that he needs to go hide out in the desert until the heat wears off.
Bill told me that Carroll had a little ranch there in Ridgefield, "it was hell to get to and hell to find", he said. "Nice place and everything Bill continued and [Carroll] was just in the midst of building a big paint shop, [Carroll] said his forte was actually painting." Bill said, "I should have taken that, [Carroll] can't build an engine, I don't know about your paint job. [Carroll] showed me a paint job of a beautiful Cadillac that [Carroll] painted one day and I looked on the side and it a big ripple. And [Carroll] blamed it on the (paint) gun. [Carroll] said it was a new gun and it was defective."
"Everytime I went out there [Carroll] was always blaming something or someone else, even his own brother." Bill said.
"About the only thing I liked about [Carroll] and his wife was their cat." Bill shared.
Bill said, "It's real funny they lived out on this old ranch they called it. It was just a piece of property, five acres out in the boondocks, with a shop on it and a motor home, they were in a motor home, a double-wide."
I asked Bill if Carroll gave him a reason as to why they left Washington and he said that Carroll told him that his wife was dying and they had to go to drier country. So they just sold everything and moved.Bill indicated to me that he wasn't convinced that was the real reason.
Bill told me, "let everybody else know--we're not the only ones."
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