Tim Carroll & Carolyn Carroll & their Carroll Custom Cadillac Scam

Tim Carroll and his wife? Carolyn aka Carrie Carroll. A kindly Christian couple trying to run an honest business or the head of a brutal crime family out to steal your money and your Cadillac?


  1. Carroll Custom Cadillac shared your post.

    July 12 ·

    I have a very disturbing revelation about the owner of this custom paint job!
    Apparently while I was pouring my heart into the a custom black paint job; this horrific human being was writing trash about me on his horrific LYING BLOG!

    This unstable individual had a falling out with me before over HIS wrong doing's and after he apologized to me and then took all the LIES off his blog, I assumed it was all a misunderstanding and for that I gave this extreme custom paint job to this unbelievable rotten human being.
    If there was ever a man who DID NOT deserve my ultimate kindness, it is this strange angry individual EDWARD W HOOPER JR.

    Today I am producing a video that will debunk the insane man's LIES!
    I don't like having to do this, but I will be damned if I stand idly by and allow this strange angry human to speak such absolute LIES!

    The photos below show this awesome car, but don't show the intense work I put into it! I did mass body work and detailed prepped this car to the tiny wire!
    Then I actually painted it twice do to a chemical reaction!
    However, I am so ultimately disappointed, I can't do anymore and that almost breaks my heart! Only a fool would kick his gift horse in the mouth as many times as this Jerk did!
    So today this car will be stored until the LIAR can retrieve it!
    He mentions in his LIES I stole his car? WHY? So I could give him a 6500 paint job? He is sick and twisted!

    How is it even possible? EDWARD W HOOPER JR is by far one of the most disturbed persons I have ever encountered since I open my business to the public

    Out of literally thousands of absolute satisfied clients stretching around the entire earth, I have engines now in 17 countries and counting!
    Millions of followers and ONE SINGLE TINY ANGRY INDIVIDUAL makes his ultimate mistake by defaming his friend in ways that are 100% untrue and filthy LIES!. This is his second time and I will never forgive his actions!

    Today we will show the world in our video that every word that has poured out of the mind of this madman is a LIE.
    We will expose this madman for his unstable mind! When I was researching this strange person, I came across law suits he has been involved in and appears it is his something he loves to do!
    I do know this about this strange man, he is a single man who lives with his mother and sits in her house and derives GARBAGE like he has done to the hand who gave him a 6500 custom black paint job!

    This terrible minded human deserves NOTHING!

    I can say this with absolute confidence; this madman will not come between me and my love for these cars and the help I give to ANYONE who needs it!

    I just wanted to build the ultimate ETC of a lifetime! And this car was beyond loaded, what a waste!


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