Monday, February 6, 2017

Tim Carroll Has A Super Bowl Sunday Facebook Freakout

Are you smart enough to figure out the deception?

What Carroll has done is posted a series of undated, uncredited, and out of context photographs supposedly to somehow prove that he's an "engineer" but they do not prove anything.

For example, Carroll writes in a Facebook post here, that "You see, I have more then one degree!" OK, where did you get these degrees from? Why not post a scan of your diploma's? As usual what Carroll writes just doesn't add up.

In the same post he writes how this mysterious "we," built "53000 Government Metal stud green government houses for President Fox who was a very good friend of our company and my person!" OK, where in Mexico exactly is this housing development? What is it's name? What were the dates it was built?

Also, Carroll is a 'very good friend' of former Mexican president Vicente Fox? A man who hates America and American's, does not want the Mexican invasion of our country to end and who recently used Twitter, multiple times to cuss out our American president Donald J. Trump. Very telling.

In his next post he mentions "Haydon International." However, there's no such thing as Haydon International. There's Haydon Building Systems, out of Tucson, Arizona but it's been out of business for years.

In another post, he posts some grainy photo's of a building supposedly in Laughlin, Nevada,that Carroll calls his "prize creation," yet doesn't give the name of the building or it's address or the dates it was built.

I could go on and on but what's the point? Carroll is merely preying on your emotions. You're smart enough to see that right? In my opinion from my personal first hand experience with him, the only thing that Carroll truly excels at is the con.

The simple fact is that Carroll ripped me off and has ripped off many other folks as well. All the zany Facebook posts and cheesy photographs of Carroll's will not change that.


  1. So is this weekend good for you?

    1. First, I want you to post a video on your Facebook for all the world to see it. Similar to the Fite video of the motor in it and it running and properly put back together. Show everything that I paid you to do. The CAI, the unrestricted exhaust and honed y-pipe, super chip,platinum spark plugs. You know what I paid you for. Then we'll talk.
